In order to be eligible to appear for the University examination, every student has to attend a
minimum of 2/3rd of the total number of lectures, tutorials/ preceptorials/practicals as the
case may be, held in the college in all subjects, for each academic year. (Refer University
Ordinance VII-2A(ii)) Attendance is given 5% weightage in Internal Assessment Marks.
Parents/Guardians are requested to meet the respective teachers periodically to know the
progress of their wards, particularly with regard to regularity in attending classes.
Late admission, if granted, is entirely at the risk of the student concerned and no concession
in regard to attendance is allowed. Attendance will be calculated from the date the college
reopens at the beginning of the new academic session.
When a student is required to represent the college in competitive games, athletics, cultural
activities, debates, etc. sponsored by the college, she must fill out the requiste forms, so
that her absence from class is accounted for.
Exemption from attendance for other reasons may be granted as per norms only in extraordinary
circumstances, and only when permitted by the Principal in writing. Such permission must be
obtained well in advance.
Application for leave of absence due to sickness/hospitalization must be supported by a Medical
and Fitness Certificate from a recognized Medical Practitioner, which should reach the Principal
within a week of rejoining the college upon the expiry of leave. Medical and fitness
Certificates received thereafter shall not be entertained.
The required conditions shall not be deemed to have bee satisfied in respect of the following degrees unless the candidate has attended not less than two-thirds of lectures and practicals, separately, delivered in her College or the University, as the case may be for the course of study in each academic year :
B.A. (Prog.) and (Honours) B.A. (Vocational Studies)
B.Com. and B.Com.(Honours)
B.A. (Hounours) Music
B.Sc. (General) and (Honours)
Provided that in the case of Honours Courses and B.Sc. (General) Course attendance as above will
be required to be put in separately in the Main Subject in the case of Honours Courses and in
Group ‘B’ subjects in the case of B.Sc. (General) Courses and in the Qualifying / Subsidiary
Subjects in each academic year
(9) (a) Subject to the provisions of sub-clauses (b) and (c)
(i) In the case of a student who is selected as a member of the N.C.C. to participate in the
annual N.C.C. Camps or is deputed to undertake Civil Defence work and allied duties or in the
case of a student who is enrolled in the National Service Scheme and is deputed to various
public assignments by or with the approval of the Head of the institution concerned or a student
who is selected to participate in sports or other activities organised by the Inter-University
Board or in national or international fixtures in games and sports approved by the
Vice-Chancellor or a student who is required to represent the University at the Inter-
University Youth Festival, or a student who is required to participate in periodical training in
the Territorial Army or a student who is deputed by the College to take part in Inter-College
sports or fixtures, debates, seminars, symposia or social work projects or a student who is
required to represent the College concerned in debates and other extra-curricular activities
held in other Universities or such other activities approved by the Vice-Chancellor for this
purpose, in calculating the total number of lectures etc. delivered in the College, or in the
University, as the case may be, for his course of study in each academic year, the number of
lectures etc., in each subject delivered, during the period of absence for that purpose shall
not be taken into account.
(ii) The Principal of a College may consider, on the basis of the Medical Certificates produced, exceptionally hard cases of students who had fallen seriously ill or had met with an accident during the year disabling them from attending classes for a certain period, with a view to determining whether the lectures etc. delivered during the said period, or a part thereof, could be excluded for purposes of calculation of attendance of the year and decide each case on its own merits.
(b) A College shall notify on the notice board the final attendance position of each of its students within three days of the dispersal of the classes in the last session of the academic year. Not later than five days, thereafter, a student may, by an application to the Principal of the college, claim benefit of exclusion of lectures under sub-clause (a) above on grounds to be specified and accompanied by the relevant documents. All such applications submitted within time shall be considered and disposed of by the Principal of the College at least 3 days prior to the commencement of the examination, in which the student is intending to appear.
(c) The benefit of exclusion of lectures contemplated in categories (i) or (ii) of sub-clause (a) above, either separately or jointly, shall in no case exceed 1/3 of the total number of lectures delivered.
(d) In the case of a married woman student who is granted maternity leave, in calculating the total number of lectures delivered in the College or in the University, as the case may be, for her course of study in each academic year, the number of lectures in each subject delivered during the period of her maternity leave shall not be taken into account: Provided that Post-graduate Degree students under the Faculty of Medical Sciences who apply for maternity leave either in I year or in II year, may be allowed the maternity leave for a period not exceeding 3 months in an academic year but such students will be required to complete the duration of the course as regular students as required in the Ordinance and the students will be permitted to submit the thesis or to take the written examination, as the case may be, in January instead of August that year.
2. A. (ii) The Principal of a College shall have power to strike off the name of a student who is grossly irregular in attendance inspite of warning, or when the absence of the student is for such a long period that he cannot put in requisite percentage of attendance. Definition: The term .Principal. in this Clause includes the .Head of a teaching Department or Institution, or the Dean of a Faculty. according to the context.
1.1. The scheme for Internal Assessment shall be followed in the regular stream only, with exclusions as per the Appendix (at Page 6), and shall be applicable to the students admitted from the academic session 2003-04 onwards (i.e. to begin with for the first year students) in both undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses. This scheme of Internal Assessment shall not be applicable to the School of Correspondence Course and Continuing Education, Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board and Non-Formal Education Cell (formerly External Candidates Cell). The specific Ordinances pertaining to schemes of examinations of various courses shall stand amended, mutatis mutandis, to the extent of internal assessment as laid down in this Ordinance, subject to exclusions referred to above.
1.2. Internal Assessment marks shall be shown separately in the Marks Sheet issued by the University and these marks shall be added to the annual/semester examination marks for determining the division of the student. 25% of the maximum marks in each paper in undergraduate courses shall be assigned for Internal Assessment and the remaining 75% marks for the annual/semester University Examination; the time duration and other modalities of the annual/semester Examination with respect to this 75% component shall remain as per existing schemes of examination for various undergraduate courses.
2.1.1. There shall be 10% weightage assigned to House Examinations to be conducted by each
college, for all subjects in Pass course and B.Sc. (General) and all papers of the main Subject
in Honours courses.
(house exams. are not held for courses which are in the semester mode);
2.1.2 The duration of each paper in the House Examination shall be the same as the duration in the University Examination. The maximum marks for each paper of the House Examination shall be 100 or the same as the maximum marks in the corresponding University Examination.
2.1.3 The University reserves the right to scrutinize some or all the scripts of any paper in any course in a College during the period of retention of papers, Which duration shall be till declaration of results by the University, a copy of the question paper shall be sent to the Examination Branch of the University and the College shall maintain a proper record of the question papers of the House Examination.
2.2.1. Each student shall be assessed on the basis of written assignments/tutorials as well as on the basis of project reports/term papers/seminars. There shall be 10% weightage for such written assignment; and project reports/presentations/term papers/seminars. Each student shall be given at least one written assignment per paper in each term, subject to a maximum of 12 written assignments per year for all the papers taken together.
2.2.2. Where the maximum marks in a paper are less than 100, for example 50 marks, the nature of written assignments/tutorial work shall stand adjusted pari passu.
2.2.3. There shall be 5% weightage for regularity in attending lectures and tutorials, and the credit for regularity in each paper, based on attendance, shall be as follows :
More than 67% but less than 70% – 1mark
70% or more but less than 75% – 2 marks
75% or more but less than 80% – 3 marks
80% or more but less than 85% – 4 marks
85% and above – 5 marks
[Medical certificates shall be excluded while calculating credit towards marks to be awarded for
regularity, though such certificates shall continue to be taken into account for the purpose of
calculating eligibility to appear for examinations as per the existing provisions of
2.2.4. There shall be a Moderation Committee for Internal Assessment in each College, discipline-wise, which shall comprise of the senior most teacher in the department, the teacher-in-charge of the department and the previous teacher-in-charge of the department: provided that if, for any reason, the membership of the Committee falls below 3, the Principal of the college shall nominate suitable members from among the teachers of that department/college to fill the vacancies.
3. With the introduction of Internal Assessment, the maximum marks for the University Examination in each paper shall stand reduced accordingly.
4. The promotion criteria shall be as per the existing Ordinances for University Examinations, as applicable to respective courses. In addition, the same criteria shall apply to the total of the University Examination and the Internal Assessment, taken together.
5.1. There shall be a Monitoring Committee for Internal Assessment at the University level consisting of the Dean of Colleges as the Chairperson along with three other Deans one of whom shall be a member of the Executive Council, and the Controller of Examinations as Member-Secretary. The Committee shall monitor the receipt of Internal Assessment marks from various colleges and ensure timely compliance. If a College fails to submit the Internal Assessment marks in time, the University shall not declare the result for such a course in that College. The responsibility for non-declaration of the result of any course in the college in such circumstances will be solely that of the college.
5.2. There shall be a Monitoring Committee for Internal Assessment in every College, which shall be chaired by the Principal of the College and will be made up of the Vice- Principal (and in case there is no Vice-Principal, the Bursar), Secretary Staff Council, and two senior faculty members to be nominated by the Principal. This Committee shall be responsible for the entire process of Internal Assessment in the College, including redressal of grievances, if any.
6.1. In the case of students who repeat one or more paper(s), or all papers of Part I or Part II or Part III, the Internal Assessment marks shall be carried forward.
6.2. In the following special cases, in lieu of Internal Assessment, students shall be awarded marks (for the previous years. papers) in the same proportion as the marks obtained in that paper in the University Examination :
6.2.1. Students who migrate from other Universities to the University of Delhi in 2nd Year.
6.2.2. Students who fail in the Part I Examination of Honours Courses and join Pass/General Courses in the 2nd Year; and
6.2.3. Students who transfer from 1st year Pass/General Courses to Honours Courses in the 2nd Year.
6.3. Students who migrate from non-formal streams in the University of Delhi (i.e. School of Correspondence Courses and Continuing Education, Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board and Non-Formal Education Cell, formerly External Candidates Cell) to the Regular stream and vice versa, shall carry as such the marks obtained in the preceding year(s).
7. Tutorials shall be held regularly for the post-graduate courses of the University by the concerned Department in cooperation with Colleges; and at least 25% marks shall be assigned for Internal Assessment in each paper of the post-graduate courses. The Internal Assessment in the post-graduate courses may be based on regularity and attendance; class tests and house examination; and written assignments, projects/term papers/seminars/fieldwork. Post-graduate courses where the weightage of Internal Assessment is 25 per cent or more, Departments may continue with the existing schemes.
8. In the case of a student who is selected as a member of the N.C.C. to participate in the annual N.C.C. Camps or is deputed to undertake Civil Defence work and allied duties, or in the case of a student who is enrolled in the National Service Scheme and is deputed to various public assignments by or with the approval of the Head of the institution concerned, or a student who is selected to participate in sports or other activities organized by the Inter-University Board or in national or international fixtures in games and sports approved by the Vice-Chancellor, or a student who is required to represent the University at the Inter-University Youth Festival, or a student who is required to participate in periodical training in the Territorial Army, or a student who is deputed by the College to take part in Inter-College sports, fixtures, debates, seminars, symposia or social work projects, or a student who is required to represent the College concerned in debates and other extracurricular activities held in other Universities or such other activities approved by the Vice-Chancellor, the following provision will apply :
8.1. A student in the categories listed above, will have to fulfill the requirement of written assignments and projects/term papers/seminars/field-work with the flexibility, however, that he/she may, if necessary, be allowed additional time for submission of written assignments.
8.2. A student in the categories listed above, who is unable to write the House Examination on account of his/her participation in such aforesaid activities, may be assessed by the College through an alternative mode in lieu of the House Examination. This may be done only in exceptional circumstances.
8.3. A student in the categories listed above, will get the benefit of attendance for Internal Assessment for the classes missed as per the existing provisions of Ordinance VII.2.(9)(a)(i).
9.1. The University reserves the right to review, and if necessary moderate the marks in Internal Assessment in any paper/ papers in any College/Department.
9.2. The respective University Moderation Committees in each subject shall moderate, if necessary, the Internal Assessment marks across Colleges.