Best Practices
2023-2024 2022-2023 2020-2022

Our college is known for transforming and empowering students who come from diverse backgrounds ranging from underprivileged sections to affluent ones. One of the best practices is of our college is “Growing Within: Nurturing the potential of students, enabling them, empowering them to carve their unique paths”. It helps to facilitate self-growth, self-worth and actualization of potential of the students through myriad ways of empowerment and competence building.

Practices like experiential learning, using the method of power-point presentations to help them organize their thinking process and build professional skills, using audio-visual aides (such as screening of films and plays, displaying paintings, photographs etc.), holding talks by experts in certain given fields and promoting wellbeing through the activities such as breathing exercises or rigorous physical activity endorses a student centric, self-directing pedagogy. Through constructive feedback open communication, inculcating a culture of critical thinking and holding an array of in-depth discussions, the college has managed to uplift its most underprivileged members to be more self-reliant, career oriented and great leaders. The teaching culture here seeks to highlight and thereby have the students appreciate that the true essence of life lies outside the bounds of black and white, and in a wide varieties of shades. Practice such as appreciating text is to enable students to draw life-world reflected in the text. The students learn to think beyond right-wrong, profit-loss, abnormal-normal, beautiful-ugly and start an educative experience on range not limited by these extremities. This is also possible through the individualized mentoring and counselling that the teachers provide to the students. Our college library with its varied collection of books, journals, magazines and e-resources also opens a window to the wider world for the students.

Another notable best practice has been the effort to “Reaching Out: Strengthening Ties with the Community”. It helps to cultivate a sense of social responsibility in the students and inspire community work that would also help in bridging the theory-praxis divide. This entails taking teaching beyond books and text and bringing it closer to context. Staff Council of the college created Social Outreach and Community development committee which launched “Project HUM” with an objective to foster “Reaching Out” initiative of the college.

Students regularly take to working for organizations and various NGOs, while also undertaking academically driven research projects of applied nature. Various departments of the college affiliate themselves and work in collaboration with nationally acclaimed associations. The students here are empowered through educational and co-curricular tasks alike to be better citizens and leaders in fast-changing culture of the country. Reputed organizations like Ernst & Young, Genpact, Yes Bank have come for campus placements over the years and have also recruited some of our third year students.

Apart from these we also inculcate sensitivity and responsibility towards environment in our students. To make the campus eco-friendly, the college maintains three ornamental gardens. We appreciate biodiversity through our herbal garden, conserve water through water harvesting, scientific biodegradable waste management through vermi – compost pit and two manuring pits (5 feet deep). The college has solar lights as initiatives for energy conservation and use of renewable energy. In the pipeline is a proposal to provide centralized air-conditioning in the college library through solar energy.