The college organised Faculty Development Programme (FDP) with MHFDC from 7th -13th June, 2021. One week Interdisciplinary Faculty Development Programme on “Microsoft Tools for Creating Effective Teaching and Learning Environment” was organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Vivekananda College, University of Delhi and Catch a Cloud LLP in collaboration with Mahatma Hansraj Faculty Development Cell (MHRFDC) under the aegis of Ministry of Education, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT), Hansraj College, University of Delhi from 7th June to 13th June, 2021. This Faculty Development Programme is an initiative with the common objective of building awareness and knowledge about different Microsoft Tools among faculties/research scholars within institutions of higher learning across country.

The college organised Faculty Development Programme (FDP) with MHFDC from 26th July,2021-31st July, 2021. One-week Interdisciplinary Faculty Development Programme on “Mathematical Analysis and its Applications” was organized by the Department of Mathematics, Vivekananda College, University of Delhi in collaboration with Mahatma Hansraj Faculty Development Cell (MHRFDC) under the aegis of Ministry of Education, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT), Hansraj College, University of Delhi. The program was held over the course of six days, two live sessions per day. The FDP covered a wide array of topics including their real-life applications. At the end of each day, participants were given one-hour library time to do self-study. At the end of all sessions one MCQ-based assessment was given to test their grasp of the topics and feedback form was also given so that program can be improved in the best manner.

A webinar titled “Developing Research Skills- Preparing Effective and Convincing Literature Reviews” and “Research Skills-A Comparative understanding of Quantitative and Qualitative Research” was organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Vivekananda College, University of Delhi, in collaboration with the University of Buraimi, Oman. The webinar was conducted virtually on Thursday, November 25, 2021.

An International Webinar was organized by Training Institute at University of Buraimi in collaboration with the Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit of University of Buraimi, Oman in cooperation with Vivekananda College, University of Delhi as part of MoU signed between University of Buraimi and IQAC, Vivekananda College, University of Delhi on 10th March 2022 on the topic “Advancing Research and Innovation”.

An MOU with Institute of Industrial Development was signed on 23rd September, 2021 as a step towards partial fulfilment of objectives of Vidya Vistar Scheme. As a first collaborative activity with IID, a webinar on ‘Spice Processing Unit’ was held on 3rd October, 2021. An industry expert from a related field took a two-hour session to guide the participants in establishing a new venture of spice processing.

Vidya Vistar Scheme and Department of Food Technology of Vivekananda College in collaboration with Government Model College, Deithor, Assam and Department of Home Science, Sri Venkateshwara University, Tripura organised Pineathon 2021- A national level business proposal Idea Competition on the occasion of 75 years of India’s Independence- “Azadi ka Amrut Mahotasav”. The objective of the competition was to promote the spirit of entrepreneurship and self-reliance (atma-nirbharta) among budding innovators. Innovative and unique ideas of processed pineapple were invited across India to develop sustainable ways and methods to utilise pineapples and to provide feasible solutions for pineapple cultivators of rural India. The twin objective of promoting entrepreneurship as well as employment generation was at the heart of the competition.

Baseline data on the socio-economic background of 30 pineapple farmers were gathered. The data are being utilized for chalking out future strategies that will help in hand holding the farmers to create sustainable livelihood.

The Covid-19 Task Force and Vidya Vistar Committee of Vivekananda College, University of Delhi in collaboration with Government Model College, Deithor, Assam organised a National seminar to provide a platform for transdisciplinary interaction among various stakeholders and to suggest best educational methods, practices and innovative educational mechanisms and strategies for colleges in the prevailing covid 19 pandemic situation and forthcoming National Education Policy 2020.

National Webinar on “United Colours of Languages and National Education Policy 2020 of India" was organized by Vidya Vistar and NEP committee in collaboration with Government Model College, Deithor, Assam on 27 April 2022 in Virtual mode.